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Donations handling manual
Donations handling manual
Armando Zambrano Coutiño avatar
Escrito por Armando Zambrano Coutiño
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. - Register a business partner

On the Business Partners screen, the main information of Donors and all their billing data are recorded. In Type of Business Partner, you must set it as Insurance Company and activate the check option of Donor.

In this step you must assign a list of prices; in case of not having one you can use the cash price list or the general list.

Necessary checks (shown below) for billing are activated


2. - Generate approval policy in Insurance Policy Manager

In order to generate the policy, we first look for the donor that we registered in the Business Partner screen. Once we find them, we select the record and now we can generate the policy.

An insurance policy is generated so you can define what charges are to be covered with the donation. In case the donation does not have any limitations, you must create the policy and select that it covers all the products. With this we can validate the policy limits.

In case you want to specify the donation’s coverage and its validity period, add this information and generate a benefit where you can add the medications and services to the policy and all the charges that are not within the donation must be covered by the patient .


3. - Assign policy to patient, create encounter, assign charges and generate invoice.

Once the policy is generated, we must relate it to the patient who will receive the donation. We do this in the Patient Registration screen, where we must look for the patient if he is already registered, if he is, we discharge him.

In the Insurance company information section, look for the donor’s information or its policy number, click on the result and save.

Once the policy is being applied to your patient encounter, we will generate an encounter with the services you wish to apply to your patient and the system will validate if those patient’s needs will be covered by the donation. In case of being rejected, you will need to notify your patient so they can decide if they want to cover those requested expenses or cancel their application.

If the charges reach the donation limit, the system will start rejecting any additional charges and the patient must say whether or not to cover them.

At the end of the encounter, the system will generate an account or extension with the charges registered for the donor and the charges, if any, for the patient.

Finally, the policy can be disabled or, if there is an available budget, it can be related to another patient, who can decide whether to receive this contribution or not.


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