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Encounter data adjustments in Reports
Encounter data adjustments in Reports

01/24/2022 PDF reports with patient details

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

We have adjusted several PDF reports in order to show patient details that will allow you visualize patient's relevant information such as:

  • Patient name

  • Medical Record Number (MRN)

  • Encounter ID

  • Room and bed

    This implementation will look as follows in the next screen reports:

Request of products

This window allows you to create automatically warehouse product requests of whether medications and other treatment products and link them with a patient.

Once you have requested a product for such patient, you will be able to download the following report, which now includes patient's information:

Prepare Doses

This menu option allows to apply doses of medications and delivery them to a patient.

To administrate doses of medications, it is necessary to go to Pharmacy Dashboard and apply them (only for users with Pharmacists permissions), once the dose has been prepared and submitted, you will be able to see our new report:

Deliver of requested products

This window summarizes all of the product requests that need to be delivered (to complete the full process of applying such products or medications).

After applying the requested products, you will be able to visualize our new report format:

We are passionate about improving your Cirrus experience. We appreciate you sharing this information with your team and ask us for help if they need it.

January 24, 2022

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