Common actions in Sales summary report

1. Export/Print information

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. Export/Print information

1. Open the window "Sales Summary Report".

2. Select the filters you wish to apply to your search criteria:

- Dates Range

- Group of clientes

- Client

3. Click on the "Printer" icon.

* You don't need to click on the Search button in order to retrieve the information. You can export/print directly to an excel file.

4. The system allows you to select exporting by the following options:

- Customer

- Type of document

- Cashiering

- None

5. Open and save the Excel file as you wish. You will be able to visualize the information according to the filters previously selected (A) Type of document, and also the information by default such as the Invoices and Remissions.

6. The end.

After finishing the aforementioned steps.

You'll have exported/printed the report.


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