Before starting monthly transactions report

1. What you need to know 2. The benefits 3. Start report

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. What you need to know

1. For generating the report, you can filter by:

- Dates range, (select the range of dates to search)

- Encounter (select the patient encounter to search)

2. In the section "Totals" you can visualize:

- Owe

- Have

3. In the section "Search results" you can visualize:

Date, Period, Patient Encounter, Department, Warehouse, Policy Num., Number of document, Patient Encounter, Description, Type of Movement, Product category, Code, Product Name, Client/Provider, Owe, Have, and Balance.

4. You can export/print the information to different formats: PDF, XLS, CSV and PNG.

2. The benefits

View the detailed information of the transactions of the month.

3. Start report

1. Open the window "Monthly Transactions Report".

2. Select the dates range, the encounter you want to search , and click on the "Search" icon (Magnifying glass).

3. The system will display the following sections:

Totals: owe and have.

Search results: Date, Period, Patient Encounter, Department, Warehouse, Policy Num., Number of document, Patient Encounter, Description, Type of Movement, Product category, Code, Product Name, Client/Provider, Owe, Have, and Balance.

4. The end.

After finishing the aforementioned steps.

You'll have generated the monthly transactions report.


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