Before starting close encounter

1. What you need to know 2. The benefits 3. Start close encounter

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. What you need to know

  • You can reopen a patient encounter using the window Unlock patient encounters.Select the option Close encounter when discharge in the window Configuration of Medical Record, and you will be able to close encounter from the window Nurse Dashboard - Discharge tab.

  • In order to view a closed patient encounter in the encounter search of the different Cirrus windows, you must have the configuration active in Configuration of Medical Record (request via ticket or chat), by enabling the See close encounters check.

    This will allow to continue adding charges to the patient's encounter even with their record closed.

  • In order to set a maximum limit of days on which closed patient encounters will be displayed, the number of days allowed must be entered in the same window mentioned in point 3 (request via ticket or chat). If, for example, the See closed encounters box is checked and 30 is entered as the limit of days allowed, charges can be entered to the patient accounts shown within this limit since only those accounts will appear. If set to 0, all encounters up to 2020 will be displayed by default.

2. The benefits

Close patient clinical record.*

*Does not stop users from adding further charges to the patient encounter. It only closes the file once the patient's administrative process has been completed after their discharge.

3. Start closing encounter

1. Open the window Close encounter.
2. Search the encounter you wish to close by using the filters in the search dashboard and by clicking on the Search Record button.
3. Select the patient encounter.

1. Select a motive if you have one, and click on the Save icon.

1. The system will display the following message, select YES to close the encounter.

After finishing the steps listed above

You'll have closed the patient encounter.

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