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Todas las coleccionesAccountingAnnual calendar and period
Common actions in Annual Calendar Period
Common actions in Annual Calendar Period

1. View accounting documents not posted 2. Open closed period

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. View not posted accounting documents

When you close the accounting period and the system prompts you with the window "Pending Documents", you'll be able to identify the accounting status of the documents in order to audit the performed operation and confirm the posting process.

Preview of Pending Documents

Processes and documents that affect accounting

It is necessary to know the different modules to search and view the accounting documents and verify their accounting status.

Exported Excel file to identify the accounting status.

Process without restriction

It is possible to close a period even when there are documents with not posted status.

If there are documents with not posted status the process won't stop.

- It is recommended to remove "Drafted" status documents in order to have a clean history.

Open cash register won't let you close the period

- If there's at least one open cash register, the system will prompt you with the following message:

This is the only case the system will stop you from closing the period.

2. Open closed period

If you had the need to modify any document created during operations or adding any accounting entry adjustment to specific general ledger accounts, you must re-open the period.

Just follow the same steps you did for closing, although make sure the selected option in the document action window is "Open Period".

Period status change.

Once the period is already open you can perform the adjustments needed.

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