Solutions in Service Orders

1. Cancel Service Order 2. Re-schedule Service Order 3. Approve Service Orders

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

  1. Cancel Service Order

    There is two ways to cancel service orders according to their status:

    a. When they are uncompleted

    To cancel any uncompleted service order enter the document and for the Action column select Canceled (as below). To complete these changes click on Process (gear) icon.

    This process applies if you would like to delete only one service within a set of two or more services inside any order. If you instead wish to delete the entire record, no matter the amount of services, click on Delete button.

    You can also perform this action from the Service Orders menu; click context menu and select Cancel :

    Any deleted orders will appear scratched.

    b. Canceling when orders are completed

    If you require to cancel any completed image or laboratory orders, you must perform this action from Encounter Dashboard.

    If you try to cancel through Service Orders screen, this option will not be available:

    To cancel from Encounter Dashboard, follow these steps :

    1. Look for the encounter and click on Encounter charges :

    b. Now, click context menu of this service order and select Cancel charges :

    3. Confirm.

    You will see how Cirrus created a negative line that evens out the charges :

    Charges for this service order will now be canceled.

  2. Re-schedule Service Order

    If you wish to change date and hour for any specific document, click context menu and select Edit Record:

    Now select the Edit icon, change Date and Hour and Save.

    If you wish to change any information or add more services to this request, perform the same actions and fill data seen below:

    Once you have completed filling this information, click Save.

  3. Print Orders

    You can also print orders for any patient by clicking on the printer icon. You can download or print this information:

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