New Payment Receipt Format

09/26/22 New format for payment receipts in Multibilling window

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

We have now improved our sales receipt document from Multibilling window in order to display the most relevant information about encounters and their payments, replacing the simplified taxed invoice document (see link), this to allow users to view which charges were paid by the patient or not and to give more details about the encounter.

See more about this improvement here.

This document will be generated after processing the extension, then you can click on the Sales receipt button (printer). This button was assigned to simplified invoice, now deprecated.

Note: This document will not affect how the current Multibilling process works nor will impact on the current Taxed Invoice that you may generate on Cashier Collections window.

After clicking on the sales receipt button, you will be able to download or print a document that will contain all of the following information according to the following scenarios:

  • Payment Receipt before performing payments

    Will include sections:

    1. Document Title, Document Number and Receipt Date.

    2. Patient Information and Encounter Data

    3. Charges data breakdown

  • Payment Receipt with performed payments

    Includes sections 1, 2, 3 and:

    4. Payment Method information with Total Paid and Balance

  • Payment Receipts for Deductibles before Payment :

CCCmD Payment Receipts will now include all of the forementioned sections but also a fifth one with the breakdown for every product or service charged in the extensions. Products or services will be listed as below with their code, description, UOM, and amounts for Fees, Total and Taxes.

Payment Method will appear after performing the payments :

  • Payment Receipts that were paid with Deductibles:

This receipt will show also every extension where deductibles were paid so if there is more than one extension with deductibles you will be able to see every product within the extension below.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: September 26, 2022.

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