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Income Reports
New Encounter Balance Report
New Encounter Balance Report

11/28/22 Encounter Balance Report improvements for better readability and review of encounter data

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

We have now re-designed the Encounter Balance report and its sections to improve the data shown in this report. This to give users a more detailed printable document with encounter information and a breakdown of charges amounts but without separating those charges by extensions (as in our former report) and now grouping them by category. Here's more details about this improvement.

The Encounter Balance, also known as billing statement is a list of every charge added and they're now broken down by the company who will be paying each charge but it does not show any performed payments nor their methods. This report was designed to show the amounts of every charge, this including taxes, deductions, copayments, subtotals and total amounts, all of these fields do not appear on either sales receipts nor invoices since they must only show the total amounts.

Encounter Balance can be downloaded from context menu in Multibilling :

Note: This button will generate the balance report for the whole encounter, to get this same report by extension, select Balance and download the document for any extension.

This report will have three sections and changes for every section will be listed below:

  1. Header

    Header will now display Patient Information and Encounter Data as it was being displayed already on invoices and payment receipts. Billing Data column will no longer appear.

    If any extension of the encounter has a different company name than the others then their corresponding charges will be separated by company type. Ex. One header for Retail Sale and another header below for the insurance company.

  2. Charges Detail

    Charges detail will no longer be broken down by extensions. Instead, they will be separated by their categories so if there's products for more than one category they will be grouped and the category totals will be added.

    Also we will be including from now on some additional columns for the total amounts that impact on these charges: Total Discounts, Deductible amount, Net Subtotal, VAT Rate, VAT Number and Total amount. If insurance company does not cover these charges, then Total Amounts will be of Copayments.

    Note: Deductibles will not appear now as a separate charge but as a column for each charge.

  3. Totals

The third section will have the same design as the older version, showing the sum of all of the product categories for this encounter plus discounts, deductibles, coinsurance, copay, taxes, total and balance at the end of the sheet.

Every company type that is being charged will have their own totals so if there's any extension with a different company than the others then both headers and totals will appear separately from the headers (1) and totals (3) performed for other companies.

Sample :

You can see in this example how products were grouped by their categories. Here you can validate that both Code and Category code appear (Code column and number next to the category name line).

If the patient will be paying for any service (not deductibles), then these charges will be listed separately (Private Patient) and we will show these totals where deductible remains as zero :

If, on the other hand, the patient will be paying for the deductibles, we will be showing the totals for every amount in Retail Sale, in this example Deductibles will go first as a positive charge and this amount will be substracted in Deductibles from the company totals :


  • If you wish to generate this same billing statement document by extension, click context menu in Multibilling and select Balance. In that window you must select the extension and download it.

  • Products with two different tax rates will have two detail lines, each detail line with their corresponding tax rate.

  • Deductibles will not appear as products but as columns with amounts for each one of the products listed.

  • If any product has more than one VAT rate, then this product charges will appear listed twice, one for each tax rate.

Updates :

  • Display of Processed Extensions Only

    July 10, 2023.

Now, when downloading this report, Cirrus will only include charges from extensions that are already processed and not those charges pending, which will solve issues faced on Billing Statement.

In addition to this, the FDA product code was fixed for medications so this report is going to include their FDA code in Code information. 

The current behavior of this report will help match quantities that are invoiced during billing processes.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: November 28, 2022.

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