This functionality (available for the sales and administration area of the hospital) allows the management of base price lists
How to use it?
Basic information
First of all you need to activate the "Use Niffler" option in the "Configuration of prices" section
After that you can enter the niffler option on Cirrus and the system will display the organization you are loged in
When clicking on it you see the information of the hospital and the following areas: General Information, Rules and Products.
On the General Information section the system displays the name of the hospital or organization
On the rules section if you click on any of the related domains of an Organization the system displays a detailed information of the domain you click on
On the products section the system displays a list of all the products in the organization, but also the fields to do a search for Product name, EPC or Product code.
If you have a price list already created and click on it, the system displays the General information, Division and products related to the price list selected.
Create a new price list
If you dont have a price list you can create one by clicking the "+ Create price list" option
On the General information section you can capture the name of the price list, description, valid from, commencement date, valid up to, list type, Currency type, price type and discount.
Once you filled the requiered fields you can click the "Save button" and the system shows the "Save succesfully" message.
How to Add a product
Search for a product name:
Fill the product information:
Discount: for a particular product.
Unit of Measure: has to be compatible with the product configuration.
Click Save button.
Add a company
Enter the Business Partner section
Search and select a business partner
Search and select a price list (or multiple price lists) and click the save button
Finally on the division section the system displays the business partner(s) you added previously
Upload a List
You can also import lists for products and prices by uploading them from a csv file with all of the columns that correspond with the required information for each list.
For Products : EPC, Product Code, Product Name, Category, UOM .
To do so, follow these steps:
Click in upload
2. Now click in Upload file and select your csv file
3. Click Accept to confirm
You will see a confirmation message showing that products were imported:
Upload a Price List
To upload price lists, click on Import Price List and repeat all of the steps shown above:
Your csv file must contail values for Product Code, Min. Price, Emp. Price and Discount.
csv file example:
What you should know?
Apply the use niffler option in the "Configuration of prices"
Does not apply
Category Rule
Add Category Rule to the price list:
1- Find the price list you want to edit.
2- Find the product category.
3 - Add the rule fields for that product category and Save:
You will see a Confirmation message:
While looking for that category the discount will also be listed:
4. Click on it to save the Category:
This category will be saved on the price list.