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Todas las coleccionesIncomeInvoice Consolidated
Process consolidated invoice [Saudi]
Process consolidated invoice [Saudi]

09/13/2021 To generate the account receivable

Deysi Alvarez avatar
Escrito por Deysi Alvarez
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

Having your invoice created in status in progress, just click on the Process icon (Gear Icon).

In the following image, you can see an example to Process, Send by email and Print your consolidated invoice.

Actions that occur when processing a consolidated invoice:

  • Can print the Invoice.

  • Can see the consolidated invoice in the Cashier Collections option which means that the invoice pass to receivables.

  • The invoice is visible in Invoice (Customer).

  • Can assign a payment to the invoice in the Collections and Assignments option.

  • Can see Analytic report in Unpaid invoices per customer Report.

See all about Invoice consolidated Module: Click here.

We are passionate about improving your Cirrus experience. We appreciate you sharing this information with your team and ask us for help if they need it.

Date: September 13, 2021

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