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User Maintenance

12/20/2021 Modify users easier and quickly

Deysi Alvarez avatar
Escrito por Deysi Alvarez
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

"Option for the exclusive use of Ecaresoft staff"

This option allows you to modify user information and activate or des-activate them, change passwords, assign or delete roles.


How to use it?

  1. Go to the User Dashboard, Select User Maintainance and Search for a user

    To use the date filter keep the following in mind:

    - First Date field: Find users created before this date.

    - Second Date field: Find users who expire before this date.

  2. Modify required information and save.

Additional Functions

  1. Change user password.

  2. Add a role to user.

  3. Remove roles to the user.

    Just select them from the added list and press the arrow pointing to the left. The roles will be available to be added again

  4. Get layout to import

  5. Import users


  • Only staff users can des -activate or activate staff options.

  • User maintenance window does not allow to assign passwords to users manually, it will only send users their temporary credentials via email (after completing the user creation and if the given email is valid) :

    You will receive an email with the user information and credentials :

    Account Disabling

    If any user did not login for successive 6 months, their account is disabled automatically. Currently in Cirrus there is a task that is executed every month and it disables all of the accounts with more than 6 months of inactivity.

  • In order to manually set passwords during user creation processes, we suggest you to use our User Wizard :

Updates :

August 28th, 2023

We are passionate about improving your Cirrus experience. We appreciate you sharing this information with your team and ask us for help if they need it.

December 20th, 2021

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