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UCAF enhancement in Pending Order Authorization window
UCAF enhancement in Pending Order Authorization window

01/17/2022 UCAF 2.0 printing process in POA window

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

Pending Order Authorization window allows you to manage encounter charges sent to insurance companies for their approval and to update their status according to their NPHIES or Apollo portals response.

On Search panel you can enter search filters than can help you find a patient encounter.

  • Company is the Insurance company name

  • Minor Company is an agency within the Insurance company that covers specific policies.

  • Service Unit is the area of the hospital that corresponds with such Encounter

  • Encounter Status, which is the patient encounter status within the hospital;

  • Status, which is the authorization status: Approved, Pending or Rejected.

  • MRN, which is the Medical Record Number

  • Patient Encounter, which is the code for the Encounter

  • Order Date range

Search Results shows all those encounters that meet your applied filters. Please select your encounter from the results to see the POA information.

While at the Encounter information in POA, you can find a UCAF button to the top right screen window, please click on it to generate the UCAF 2.0 printable document:

After generating the UCAF document, a confirmation window will appear, click Yes to download it.

The UCAF 2.0 will include all of the following information:

Hospital and Patient Columns

Diagnostic and Treatment Information (already filled by the physician during consultation and on Phyisician Dashboard ). The first section corresponds with vital signs. Here we will explain some of those vaues:

  • Chief Complaints. Pain or any other physical symptoms

  • Significant Signs. Warning signs seen during consultation.

  • Other conditions. Any other medical condition that is not directly linked with the chief complaint.

  • Diagnosis. Diagnosed conclusion by following medical international terms.

Admission Information

All of the patient's admission information, which includes the stay length, expected date of admission and possible lines of management (filled by the physician previously) which is the possible treatment.


The document must be signed from both the physician and their patient or their patient's guardian.

Insurance Information

Information taken from the insurance company response, wich includes the approval status, approval number, validity days, comments and signature from insurance.


We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it

January 17, 2021

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