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Tax Rate Window for Cirrus
Tax Rate Window for Cirrus

01/17/2022 New Cirrus interface that allows create and upload standard tax rate values for tax processes (For Customer Success)

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

"Tax rate window is exclusively for ecaresoft internal staff"

We have just implemented the Tax Rate interface, a new tool for Cirrus that allows editing and processing tax rate values, following tax rules applied from the Tax Engine tool.

To edit these Tax Rates and associate them with a Ledger Account, please follow the next steps:

On your Cirrus browser type Tax Rate and search for an existing Tax or create it from the list by clicking on Create menu to the top right of your screen:

1) Now fill the Header information, please consider filling all those values that are mandatory such as:

  • Tax Name

  • Tax Rate

  • Valid From

  • Type buy/sell (this option will activate the following steps accordingly)

  • Country

When you're done filling them click Save.

2) Next step is filling the bar (or bars) below that correspond with your Type of Tax: Income, Expense or both.

To do so enter or select the tax code from list and click the calculator icon to the right of each tax (to link such taxes to a Ledger Account).

3) Once you have clicked on the calculator icon a new window will open, please fill the missing information. Ledger Account is mandatory and corresponds with the hospital account that will charge or apply these taxes.

Click Save and repeat the same process for the rest of Tax values.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it

January 17, 2021

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