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Tax handling for Saudi born patients
Tax handling for Saudi born patients

02/14/2022 VAT 0 management for Saudi born citizens

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

When creating an invoice for patients born in KSA, it is not required to include VAT in the charges for the application of medications and services, but it is required to show the accounting information that allows the patient to see the cancellation of the application of VAT on their invoice. To do this, we implemented the Total excluding VAT discount line for for the same amount as VAT so that its total is 0 in these patients, making it visible in the breakdown of charges.

This information will be visible on the Multibilling screen (Total excluding VAT button next to the charges), as well as in Invoice (Customer) screen. The downloadable invoices from these screens will be applying this new line of discount: Taxed e-invoice and Simplified e-invoice.

Taxed e-invoice example:

Even when VAT Rate doesn't apply for Saudi citizens, we applied the VAT Amount and then the Total (Excluding VAT) amounts, to show your patient how the charges are being applied correctly.

Simplified e-invoice example :

Here you can also see the breakdown of charges, showing also Total (Excluding VAT) counterpart amounts.

Multibilling option:

This menu will show you a Total (Excluding VAT) title next to the Taxes amount, this to letting you know that all of those taxes will be excluded from the final receipt amount:

Invoice (Customer) screen:

Even when the See accounting entry function is showing the VAT application, it will be dismissed by the system:

This is how the system will show VAT on both Accounted Debit and Accounted Credit:

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: February 14, 2022.

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