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Product warehouse configuration
Product warehouse configuration

Product Maintenance configuration and warehouse validation

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

While placing a product order, it is mandatory to select the warehouse to which this order will be addressed. Since many of these products can exist in the inventory of multiple warehouses and each product in inventory is always assigned to at least one warehouse.


In this window you will be able to add all those warehouses where this product will be saved. To add a new warehouse click Add button and select it in Warehouse/Service Point option:

Internal Product Requests

To perform an internal product requests from another warehouse, go to Request of Products window to create a new request:

In Header, fill all of the request missing information related to Warehouse reorder (where this request will be addressed) and all of the missing information. Save and add a new product by clicking the plus button:

In this new screen you will be able to enter the product, locator, UOM and quantity. After filling these fields click Save.

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