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Daily charges improvement for charging multiple services
Daily charges improvement for charging multiple services

05/16/22 Add multiple services for combo of daily charges schemes

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

Daily Charges window allows you to create several sets of configurations where you can combine four different parameters and create automated charges for all types of patients.

These four parameters are:

  • Room Type

  • Patient Type

  • Service Unit

  • Product / Service

The former way to combine these parameters was by letting users configurate Rooms, Patients and Service Units with only one type of Product / Service, and not allowing users to add more Products for this scenario.

Now we have fixed this problem by letting users create combiations of all four variants without any problem, here is an example of this logic:

In this example we have two different sets of prices where Rooms, Patients and Areas are the same but they come with two different Products/Services now, letting you create automated charges for several products .

This is how these values can be configurated (check with your hospital IT Admin for any future changes):

  1. Go to Prices & Products settings window and select Daily Charges option:

2. Click on New Record icon to create a new set of charges or edit an existing one (select any existing set).

A new pop-up window will open up, here you can combine these four parameters:
A) Room Type , B) Patient Type, C) Service Unit / Area, D) Products :

After finishing adding your parameters, price will be automatically calculated.

For our example we selected two different results, which are 5 Surgery and 6 Surgery :

They both have the same parameters except for their products:

5 Surgery has Myelogram:

6 Surgery has Embolization:


  • You cannot repeat all four parameters since they all belong to the same scenario and price will be the same.

  • You can repeat products if any of the others parameters changes

    (ex. Outpatient instead of Inpatient, Surgery instead of Intensive Care).

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: May 16, 2022.

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