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Policy Importer

07/25/22 Apollo Policies Importer

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

We have now released a new window to import lists with policies and their related insurance and coverage information. This process will allow you to easily add several policies instead of following the current addition process where you must add them one by one.

The type of values you can import are those of: A) Policies, B) Insurance Information, C) Coverage Products and D) Diagnostics.

All of these fields must be entered by uploading separate csv files that match by adding the same policy numbers and linked names for policies and insurance companies.

Please check below how our Policy Importer window works*:

*Full process in video below


Before Importing Policies

Price Lists field:

The import of policies data requires Price Lists information, that can be filled with two different methods: by adding it to your Policies csv file or by setting up a default price list for each Major company.

If you have not included on your file the Price List that will be assigned, our system will automatically take the default price list that corresponds to that Major Company.

To make the default Price Lists configuration, follow these steps:

a. Go to Insurance Policy Manager and perform a Major Companies search.

b. Click context menu and select Edit:

c. On Default Price List option, enter your default price list for this major:

There you can also set the Value number for that Major company.

d. Save.

This will allow Cirrus to automatically assign price lists to policies. Now we can get started with this process!

Policies Import

  1. Type Policy Importer on search

  2. In Policies tab, select Import file option

  3. Upload a csv file with the filled columns as required (see Excel example below)

Fields can be filled directly on the csv file or edited after being imported to our window.

4. Once your policies were imported, select any of them to edit their information.

5. Price Lists:

Verify that your Price List was correctly assigned, as explained above.

6. To complete the import of policies, click Process:

A new message will appear to the left of each policy name. If the message shown is OK, then it has been imported successfully.

If message shown is Error, enter again to this policy, you will see any error messages there:


  • True or False values must be entered in lowercase (true instead of TRUE, etc)

  • Policy numbers and Levels will be very important for all of the following lists.

Insurance Information

Now it's time to add Insurance Information values.

  1. Go to Insurance Information tab, select Import File and upload your csv file.

Example of csv data:


While filling this information please consider that Major and Minor must be the same as in policies. Policy Identifier also must be assigned and Sequence must have the same value as Policy Level from any of your policies.

On this tab you must import all of the policy cases for each Product Class, policy limits oftenly come with all of this information so make sure to import all of this data.

2. These values can also be edited by clicking on each Product Class case, please verify this information, enter missing data or edit these values and Save:

3. Complete the import of this data by clicking Process.

See message shown next to each case, if there is any with Errors click on it to fix these values.

Coverage Products

Now you can add your lists of products covered. To do so, click on Coverage Products tab and repeat the same process but this time with your coverage information csv file.

  1. Go to Coverage Products tab and select Import File, then upload your csv

  2. Check missing information for each product and Save.

  3. Click Process and see if there is any product with errors. If there is any error related to information, fix it on this same window and repeat their validation by clicking on Process.

This time try to make sure of the following:

  • Sequence must be the same value as Policy Level from that Insurance ID.

  • Benefit Needs Authorization, Benefit All Included Product Excluded and Product Needs Pre-authorization must be marked as true or false according to their case.

  • Be sure to assign the correct Product Category (SC19).

See more about this step in the video below.

Coverage Diagnostics

You're almost there, to complete the importing process go to the Coverage Diagnostics tab. Here you can upload all of the diagnostics covered by the insurance company, the only missing data for this process.

  1. Go to Coverage Diagnostics tab and select Import File, then upload your csv

  2. Check missing information for each product and Save.

  3. Click Process and see if there is any diagnostic with errors. If there is any error related to information, fix it on this same window and repeat their validation by clicking on Process.

Validation (Insurance Policy Manager)

  1. Once you are done importing new policies , go to Insurance Policy Manager and perform a Major Company search:

2. Now, inside the Major Company, look for your Policy Number and click Search.

Here you will be able to see all of the imported information or edit these values.

Full Demo:


  • Before importing policies try to make sure to complete the configuration of Default Price Lists to all of your to-be-updated Major Companies, this to allow you to automatically assign default price lists to policies if your csv files do not include this information.

  • If you require csv samples for columns of this process please contact us through chat or ticket.

  • Price Lists must be created and linked to a Major Company for them to appear.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it. Date: July 25, 2022.

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