1. Adding allergies
Follow the next steps to add allergies:
1.- Click on the *Allergies* tab.
2.- Capture the patient's allergies (in case the patient has allergies) by selecting the type of allergy (food, animals, etc.) in the field Allergies.
If the patient doesn't have any allergies to medications, select the checkbox option *Patient doesn't know of having allergic reactions to medications*.
Selection of the type of allergy.
Once the specific allergy is selected:
A Status: Confirmed or verified, In question or clinical suspicion or wrong or inactive. (Mandatory)
B Severity: Unknown, Mild, Moderate or Severe.
C Date of detection: the date when the allergy was detected
D Reaction: the allergic reaction or condition that affects the patient
E Save the changes
Specifications of the allergy.
*In case the patient's allergy in not registered in the system; click on the gear icon to create a new record and capture the information of the new allergy.
Creating a new allergy.
After finishing the steps listed above
You will have added the patient's allergies.
2. Adding notes
In order to add general notes about the patient follow the next steps:
1.- Open the Notes tab.
2.- Capture the general notes about the patient (maximum length of 8000 characters).
3.- Save the information.
Capturing general notes about the patient.
After finishing the steps listed above
You will have added contact information of a patient.
3. View clinical history
In this tab you will be able to view the clinical history of the patient, it is informative.
This tab contains the information of the insurance company, policy number and certification; also includes the information of the patient: admission date, reason, doctor, medical specialty, medical history file, account number, service, type of patient and medical observations.
Click on the tab History.
View the information of the patient.
Reviewing the clinical history of the patient.
After finishing the steps listed above
You will have viewed the clinical history of the patient.