Common Actions in Nurse Dashboard

1. Start Nurse Dashboard 2. Patient Management 3. Create Requests 4. Bed Board 5. Scheduled Actions

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana
  1. Start Nurse Dashboard

    After creating a Nurse user, you can go to Nurse Dashboard. Here you can apply filters and look for existing inpatients from your organization. If you wish to assign any patients to your account, just drag it to the right field (My patients).

    Here you can also release patients by selecting the [X] mark.

    Now, to perform actions select any of your patients. You will be taken to our dashboard where you can perform all of of the Nurse Dashboard actions:

    • Endorsement of Patient (and others) , Vital Signs History, Orders, eMAR , Home Medication, Allergies, Patient Lifestyle, Document Print, Encounter Charges, Edition of Advanced Directives, Electronic Patient Record, Product Request, Form Section Search, Bed Board.

    • The right column will display all of the forms that your organization applies.

    Select any of the options that you require. We will explain them further below.

  2. Patient Management

    You can perfom several patient management actions such as test strips for diseases, catheters tubs or drains application, diabetic control, body evaluation, procedures, pain scale, endorsement of patient, vital signs history, entering allergies, enter patient's lifestyle information, check Electronic Patient Record, apply forms or print documents such as labels or bracelets. See flow below:

  3. Create Requests

    You can also create requests (orders) for medications, services, diets or other indications:

    After receiving drugs, they will appear on eMAR for their application or holding.

    You can also create several request and processes such as creation of Enocunter Charges:

    This will help you adding charges for services or products that were applied during their hospitalization,

  4. Bed Board

    And of course, if you need to assign and manage beds, you can do that by entering Bed Board.

    All beds will appear classified below according to their service unit. You can filter them and their status. Available beds will be green, Occupied will be yellow, Available Dirty beds will appear yellow (mark as Clean once they've been cleaned). You can also quarantine beds in this same window.

  5. Scheduled Actions

    Any pending processes will be automatically generated and added to your schedule. To check all of your pending actions such as medication administration or lab, x-ray or any other services, go to Dashboard option (left row). Here you will see the schedule for this patient and if there is any upcoming action and their time. If they are Past due they will appear red and once they have been completed they will appear in green color. Select the pending application (see more details about each icon below of your screen).

    Enter all of the missing infomation to complete this process. If you need to administer any drugs, choose them, click context menu and select Administered. If you need to return these drugs, mark them as Held instead.

    Now enter quantity administered, Administered Date and Locator (Warehouse) from inventories. Confirm to complete.

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