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Encounters with Completed Coding Status Now Visible to All Users
Encounters with Completed Coding Status Now Visible to All Users

10/10/22 Completed encounters in coding will now appear fo any HIM user, allowing them to edit Nphies Panel only

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Abstracting (Coding) window will now allow users to view every encounter with finished coding by other users and to enter those encounters as view only mode with Nphies Panel still active for edition, allowing them to submit insurance claims. This will secure patient information when showing results for completed encounters while also enabling Nphies requests options. See more below.

Before starting information

When looking for encounters, users can usually enter and edit them if they have not yet been completed :

Fields for every tab can be modified by anyone on this window :

But if you are looking for any encounter that was finished by another user, you can now enter them in view mode. To do so, select it from the results:

All of the tabs highlighted below will appear as read only and you will not be able to change these values unless this encounter was finished by your own user :

The only tab that can be modified by any user is Nphies Panel, where you can enter Claim information such as Eligibility Reference ID and to send these claims to Nphies:


  • October 17 2022

Completed by column

In addition to this improvement, we have added in Abstracting a new column called Complete By, where all of those encounters with Finished coding status are going to show the username of those who complete each of these encounters, letting you know what encounters can be edited by you and which ones can only be edited by their original user.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: October 10, 2022.

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