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NCE Configuration for Drugs Deductible Collection
NCE Configuration for Drugs Deductible Collection

10/24/22 New expensive deductibles configuration (NCE) for patent drugs management

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años

Due to local generic drugs legislation, Cirrus has now a new process for defining if any generic drugs has a patent or generic brand in inventory and apply different policy discounts scenarios for each one of them. In case there is a generic brand assigned for this drug, we will be sending Nphies category 57 policy information for discounts. If patient wants instead brand drug, we will apply category 66 benefits.

For this configuration we have now a new button in Charge Master II called Expensive Deductible (non-editable) :

And for Insurance Information tab in Insurance Policy Manager for Apollo we have now a category for Patent Drugs (called Patent Drug) and another one for Generic Drugs (called Drug). These two scenarios will allow us to comply with deductible requirements for each scenario (see example above) by entering two separate product classes with their corresponding copayments, deductibles and limits amounts.


Step 2. Create drug orders and bill them

In our example we have create a Discharge Medication order for the drugs we marked as Expensive Deductible, then we delivered them in Pharmacy (OP) and created the charges. Theses charges must go to their corresponding extension since they will be covered by the policy and if we have two or more orders where one of these orders is a generic order and the other one is a drug with expensive deductibles, they will be assigned to two separate extensions with their corresponding deductibles.

See process here:

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: October 24, 2022.

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