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Todas las coleccionesExpensesPayment Selection
Common Actions in Payment Selection
Common Actions in Payment Selection

1. Apply advance 2. Assign advances to invoice

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. Record an advance payment

To record an advance payment follow the steps from the next gif:

  1. In Payment Selection (manual), click context menu and select Generate Advance

  2. Enter header data (Supplier, Concept, Bank Account, Payment Rule, Amount and Payment Date).

  3. Click Process

After following the aforementioned steps you can check the accounting records in the window Payments (Provider) and reconcile with one or more invoices.


2. Assign a prepayment to invoice

A basic and prior requirement is that you must have the prepayment already recorded.

Check the video at the beginning of the page to learn the steps for how to record a prepayment in case you still don't know how to do it.

To assign a prepayment to an invoice follow the steps in the next gif:

  1. In Payment Selection (manual), click context menu and select Apply Advance

  2. Enter header information for advance : Supplier, Payment Rule, Date

  3. Select Advance Payment (in header)

  4. Select those invoices that you would like to cover with this advance payment

  5. Process

There are three different scenarios for applying advance payments :

  • To cover the exact same amount as in invoices

    Ex.: We have an advance payment for 110 USD and two invoices that sum up 110 USD so they will be covered by selecting the advance payment

  • To partially cover the invoice amounts

    Ex.: We have one advance payment for 50 USD and only one invoice for the total of 100 USD, here we must select the advance payment and after selecting the invoice to be partially covered, enter the amount that is going to be paid (right column).

  • To cover the entirety of the invoices with part of this advance payment. You can also pay invoices that are below the advanced payment total amount so the total for these invoices will be discounted from the advance payment and the rest will remain on Cirrus.

    Ex. :
    Advance Payment : 100 USD
    Invoice : 20 USD

    Advance Payment after paying invoice : 80 USD (100-20)

After finishing the aforementioned steps you can check the accounting records in the window Payment (Provider).


In case the payment amount has been assigned in full, this item won't show up anymore, otherwise it will appear until has been totally assigned.

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