When you create a follow-up encounter, there's a follow up days limit set by your organization that will allow you to link this new encounter to any previous one if they meet with the default (organizational) limit or the speciality limit.
This time limit for follow-up encounters configuration will already be applied with a default time limit of 14 days but changes can be performed by admins and requested to our team via ticker or chat :
Go to Configuration of Medical Record
Select Follow Up Days tab
Enter organization and speciality number of days
Now, when creating a follow-up encounter :
In Encounter screen, select Is Followed-Up
Select Previous Encounter from the list
3. You will see now how the date considered for calculating the number of transcurred days will be the release date and not the admission date :
If the encounter exceeds the time limit, you will not be able to assign it and will see a warning message :
This will prevent admission users from assigning encounters that do not meet with the follow-up limit of days and will improve their processes by calculating the real time that happened between their previous discharge and their new encounter.
We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.
Date: November 21, 2022.