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Before Starting Rooms

1. What you need to know 2. The benefits 3. Start configuration

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años
  1. What you need to know

    • Prices Products & Settings will let you enter the Rooms functionality but it is also the dashboard for managing Daily Charges, Related Product class - Service Unit, Charge Master II and Price Increase Rules.

    • Type Room functionality is now deprecated and will be replaced by Rooms.

    • This functionality allows you to manage rooms and beds and to assign them as daily charges.

    • Here you can also add multiple beds for one room, specify their type of cleaning and assign them to a specialty and to a Service unit from your hospital.

  2. The benefits

    • Easily manage beds and rooms

    • Improved interface where every room can be managed from

    • Link rooms to daily charges is easier now.

  3. Start configuration

    Before adding any rooms and beds, first you must create a new record for the room where this information will be added later. Follow these steps:

    1. Go to Prices & Products Settings window

    2. Select Rooms button

    3. Click New Record to create a new Room.

    4. Fill-up header information with : Search Key, Name, Description, mark it as Active and select Daily Charges if you wish to add it as a Daily Charges type of room.

    5. Save.

    Now you can start adding rooms :

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