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Todas las coleccionesSettingsRooms
Common Actions in Rooms
Common Actions in Rooms

1. Add rooms and beds 2. Print report 3. Delete record

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años
  1. Add rooms and beds

    Now, to add a room:

    6. Select the Add icon (+).

    7. Enter data for this room : Search Key, Name, Description, select Daily Charges*, Specialty, Service unit and Specify cleaning of the room : Disinfect or Normal Cleaning.

    8. Save.

    You can repeat this process (from step 6) to add more rooms for this type of room.

    9. Click the Add icon (Room level) to add beds for the current room.

    10. Fill-up the missing bed data : Search key, Status, Name, Description, Select Alternate Bed (if applies), check Active and Censable (if applies).

    11. Save.

    You can repeat this process as many times as required. Created beds will be listed in the left column and you edit their values by selecting them.

  2. Print report

    You can also print or download the report or list of every room from your organization. To generate it, go back to the Rooms search menu and:

    1. Click Print :

    2. Select download parameters

    3. Download

    Report will look as follows :

  3. Delete record

    To delete any room, enter it from the search menu and :

    1. Select Delete (top right) :

    2. Confirm :

    You can also delete any room specifications by clicking on the delete bin (room level).


*See how to create Daily Charges and to link them to rooms here :

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