What you need to know
You can register partners with the following types:
- Clients, customers belonging to the following types:
a. Insurance companies
b. Companies
c. General public- Providers, those who provide services, medicines, etc.
- Creditors, for instance outsourcing and external personnel.
- Debtors, management of other kind of debtors.
- Client/Providers, when a partner belongs to both types.For clients, providers and creditors you can add more than one bank account.
Delete or deactivate a partner entry.
As long as a business parter doesn't have pending payment invoices you can deactivate or delete the record.Search criteria rules:
- You can search a partner using: Key, Name, Description and TaxID.
- To locate a specific partner when you can't remember exactly how the name is spelled, you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard at the end of a string of at least three characters. For example: Rob* Gar*
- Or you can enter four asterisks (*) to search and display all the records.
- You can type at least four digits or characters.
- The maximum number of records that can be displayed for a search or query is 500.Sharing information among organizations.
If you have more than one organizations and want to share the records of clientes, insurance companies and providers, you must set the group of partners and business partner at Organization-Level.
In order to use this feature you may need to contact with your admin or Cirrus consultant to help you set that option.Benefits
To have a Business partner maintenance module to organize and control the different types of partners and to have records of all operations and transactions of each one.
To classify domestic and foreign business partners and have their accounting entries in the required currency.
Start client-insurer registration
To start adding an insurer business partner, follow these steps :
Go to Business Partner window.
Click on New Record.
Fill Name header information : Search Key, Tax ID , Name, Company Group (here you must select Insurance) .
After selecting Insurance, the customer information fields will load. Please fill them up.
If you must enter Bank Account information, select the Checking Account ACH checkbox first :
Also, if you need to edit any accounting accounts, click on the edit icon :
To fill the address information, select Address tab and click on edit icon :
A new pop-up window will open up with all of the address fields.Save your insurance company business partner.
1. What you need to know 2. Benefits 3. Start client-insurer registration
Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años