Registration of a debtor
Billing features
In Customer tab you can check the billing functions by checking the desired box:
Discount printed, to print the concept discount column.
Invoice to insurance company, to generate the customer invoice.
Modify to invoice, to enable modifying the billing address data.
Use special billing codes in multibilling, to print product codes and specific concepts.
Print invoice, to print the customer invoice.
Sort by Category invoice line.
Requires consolidated invoice, to generate the consolidated invoice ( see more )
Do not recalculate billing by extensions, so that it does not update prices in case of any changes.
Send statement, to send customer their billing statement.
Automatically Send statement.
Is Donor, to configurate this business partner as a hospital donor.
Payment reference, to display payment references.
Use Patient Lists.
Print Invoice Discount Percentage.
Is Cash Discount Insurance Company, to enable the cash discount payment (for self-payment only).
1. Registration of a debtor 2. Billing features
Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 3 años