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Group by Encounter in Consolidated Invoice
Group by Encounter in Consolidated Invoice

01/09/2023 Group consolidated invoice charges by encounter if requested by insurers

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

You can now generate consolidated invoices for insurance companies by grouping the sum of charges by encounter. In Detail Type you were already able to group the detail charges by Referrals, Category, Product Class or Diverse Charges.

This new type of grouping will comply with some insurance requirements which is to display the detail of charges by encounter where they will be able to see the sum of charges for every encounter added. Also, if any of these encounters has a follow-up encounter and the follow-up charges were not billed yet, these charges will be added to the total amount of the original encounter.

See how this enhancement works :

When attaching sales receipts to the consolidated invoice (searching by header parameters), you can select the patient encounters that will be included. In this example we have selected two encounters for one same patient :

The new filter can be viewed in Detail Type, to group by encounter select Group by patient encounter:

You can now see how every charge of every extension were grouped by encounter (follow-ups included) were added. You can now process to generate the invoice with encounter grouping detail.

Invoice will look as follows :

  • Consolidated Invoice title

  • Detail will now include the list of Patient Encounters with their corresponding totals. In our example we've only performed this action for one patient (with one main encounter and one follow-up encounter) so there will only one encounter listed, which will be the main encounter :


  • If any encounter has billed extensions, the charges for any of these extensions cannot be included into this consolidated invoice.

  • You can perform this action to include charges for multiple encounters if their charges belong to the same insurer.

  • If your organization requires access to this type of grouping, please request it. This configuration can be performed in Client Configurations window, check the button called Group by patient encounter and Save (System and Admins only).

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: January 9, 2023.

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