We have added some improvements to the Patient Registration portal that will now include validations when changing a patient's information once patient encounters and medical notes have been assigned to this account, this to prevent from errors in documents when users overwrite data from patients such as delivering wrong printables.
Some of the changes mentioned below must be requested to our staff via ticket or chat.
Date of Birth Validations were now improved, see more at the end of this article.
See these improvements and their impact on each window :
Patient Registration
When you have already created a patient encounter for any existing patient:
In Patient Registration, after modifying the patient name and clicking on Save, now you must validate the reason for changing these name fields*:
*Max. one week after their admission, after this time you must request it via ticket or chat.
Here you must enter the reason for the name change in 10 characters or more, without counting spaces or applying special characters (do not use “!@#$%^&*”) :
Locked fields :
Date of Birth field will now appear as locked for their edition and it must be requested through ticket or chat.
Sex field will now appear as locked (if the option is either Male or Female) for their edition and it must be requested through ticket or chat.
If you want to edit any of these two fields but the patient already has an encounter assigned, then you will be requested the edit reason shown above.
If this patient has assigned a decease death (if applicable), the fields mentioned above (date of birth and sex) cannot be modified either:
If you modify any other field (besides the name) you must also enter the reason for the change in 10 characters or more, without counting spaces or applying special characters (do not use “!@#$%^&*”) and if you modify the MRN you will now see a confirmation message that will list every encounter that will be impacted :
Patient Data Log
In Patient Data Log you can now search for several patients at the same time (by entering the name of the user who performed any of these log actions) :
If the patient name was modified, both the original value and the new value will be saved. In addition, you can see in this same field the reason for editing the name:
Electronic Patient Record
For users with permission to view this option*, the Patient Log tab has been added with all the events and changes registered for each patient (information from the Patient Data Log) :
*Only for users with profile or user type permissions for this window.
May 8th, 2023
DOB Edition validations update in Patient Registration screens
Now, in order to improve the experience of patient admission users, we have enhanced the validations that restrict the change to Date of Birth data of admitted patients. This improvement will allow users to modify the date of birth of patients as long as their admission date is not earlier than two months from current month*, as long as these patients are not for subsequent consultation, in which case admission users should request their edition and the reason for the change to Customer Care since it is sensitive legal information.
See more in the button below :
We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.
Date: January 9, 2023.