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Before Starting Cashier User

1. What you need to know 2. Benefits

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

1. What you need to know

  • To be able to perform any cash register and billing process, you must have a Cashier type of user assigned to your Cirrus user.

  • You must open cash register before performing any collections or payments. Once you conclude the billing processes, you can close and cut the cashier.

2. Benefits

  • Having a cashier operator will allow you to open and close the cash register and record all the movements made during a period of time.

  • Providing a cashier operator to each user in your organization that requires it will give them more certainty of their processes and they will be able to follow up on each transaction made.

  • Each cashier can have an assigned cashbook record as well as their own amounts when opening cashiering transactions.

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