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Todas las coleccionesIncomeGlobal Bill
Before Starting Global Bill
Before Starting Global Bill

1. What you need to know 2. The benefits 3. Start global bill

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

1. What you need to know

  • This option requires the configuration of one type of Diverse Charge for each product category. This is not mandatory though because Cirrus generates automatically the diverse charges when creating the global bill so just make sure to have the accounting account configured in the Accounting Schema/Predetermined/General/National Income Charges, so these charges can be addressed there.

  • Attached remit notes should be paid in full and not yet invoiced.

2. The benefits

  • Create global bills and identify charges by hospital areas.

  • Optimize the process of canceling remission notes for completed global bills.

3. Start global invoice

Create a global bill following the next steps:

1. Open the window Global Bill.

2. Click on the New Record button.

3. *Search the remissions using the search dashboard filters: client, area, dates range (90 days is the top range), category of the product, product or document number; and click on the Search button.

4. Select the remit notes that will be includes in the global bill.

5. Save.

Creation of a global bill.

1. Click on the Processing button to create the global bill.

1. The system generates a compressed folder containing the XML and PDF files.

Generation of the XML and PDF files.

After following the aforementioned steps

You'll see the completed global bill in the search dashboard.

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