1. Search bills
To search the existing global invoices follow the next steps:
1. Open the window Global Bill.
2. Use the following filters in the search dashboard for your search criteria: Document number, Area or Range of dates.
3. Click on the Find the record button.
4. The system will display the global invoices that match the selected filters.
5. You'll have the options to visualize the policy information, assignation or credit note (in case is has one) in the record inline menu.
Search the completed global bills.
*After following the aforementioned steps*
You'll see the existing global invoices displayed.
2. Group bills by categories
1. Open the window Global bill.
2. Select a global invoice with In progress status.
3. Click on the filter Detail type and select the option Group by category.
4. The system will show the remissions sorted by category.
Grouping remissions by category.
After following the aforementioned steps
You'll see the remissions grouped by categories.