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Reset Password

Options to reset the password when you have access and you do not have access to the email with which the account was created

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

Option 1. With e-mail access

If you see on Login screen a deactivation message due to security, click on Forgot Password?

A new window will open up where you will be asked if this e-mail belongs to you, click on Send e-mail :

You will receive an email with the steps you need to follow to reset your password. Upon completion, you will have changed your password.

Note: If you could not receive the password reset email, report it via ticket or chat*.

Option 2. When you don't have access to the e-mail

Ask your IT team to activate your user and provide them with your institutional email or that of your area manager. It is necessary that you have access to this email.

Once you are informed that your username has been activated: go to the home screen, type your username and click on Forgot Password?.

After this, the Forgot Password? window will open, verify that the field Is this your email? has the email you provided to your IT team.

Click on Send e-mail

You will receive an email with the steps you need to follow to reset your password. Upon completion, you will have changed your password.

Note: If you could not receive the password reset email, report it via ticket or chat*.

Option 3. Through a secret question

Note: You need to have previously configured the use of secret questions, see how to do it at the end.

On the login screen, type your username, then click on Forgot Password?. A pop-up will appear where you must enter your username, click on Recover.

Later you will see two options, choose Secret Question.

Enter the answer and click Validate answer.

To complete, enter your new password and confirm.

When you click Change password, a notification will appear letting you this password was saved successfully.

Set Secret Question

Click on your username, here you will see the Settings option. Now follow the steps shown in the image and Save.

ECS Staff only :

*How to configure the administration of requests for the automatic sending of documents and password reset emails.

In the Client/Organization window, select the client's first level tab and go to the Application Management section. Here the information of the e-mail server must be filled in order to send automatic emails to the users within this organization.

To validate sending automated emails in this organization, click EMail Test. If the information is correct, a confirmation message (OK) will be displayed, advising that the automatic sending of emails is active and correct.

If this information is incorrect, users will not be able to receive e-mails.

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