Reindex Patient Accounts

For ECS Staff Only | Rebuild Index screen

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

This process must be completed on System, not through the client environment.

Currently it is only possible to view patient accounts from 2020 in client environments, if we try to search for a patient from 2019 or previous years it will be necessary to reindex their account so that it appears in statements, billing, opening or closing encounters, etc.

To reindex any patient accounter, first you must look for their ID on the Electronic Patient Record, in Information - Patient window, bottom left corner. Here, you will see the ID next to EXME_CtaPac - EXME_CtaPac_ID=

System Only

While at System environment (not client), follow these steps :

  1. Go to Rebuild Index

  2. Enter patient ID

  3. Select EXME_CtaPac_V

  4. Click Process.

You will see a confirmation message :

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