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User Maintenance Email Validations
User Maintenance Email Validations

08/28/23 Added validations for creating new users via email communication

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

In order to create a new user in Cirrus there are two windows, User Maintenance and User Wizard. The first option allows you to generate a new user by simply entering their username and email so that Cirrus will notify them about the creation of their user and generate a temporary password (which can be modified after logging into Cirrus). On the other hand, in the User Wizard, a password can be manually configured so that the person who creates the user can enter an already defined password.

However, during the process of creating new users from User Maintenance, several errors could be incurred that prevented the correct flow for users during this process, for example:

  • Entering Invalid email addresses.

  • Missing data for user account creation (such as email address).

  • User creation without successful connection to our request manager.

The validations that were added with this improvement will allow the user to know if the new user registration process through this window is correct, as well as to complete this process only if they have the configurations for it.

First, to be able to send communications via email, it is necessary for the client to have the Application Management information configured in the Client/Organization* window (you can check if the connection is correct in Email Test button).

*Only for ECS staff, request configuration via ticket or chat.

New validation for creating new users

If the connection for communications via email is correct, users will be able to see the New Record option in the User Maintenance window, so they can add new users from this window:

If client does not have this connection, this New Record button will not be available so they can only perform this process from the User Wizard or they must request the configuration via ticket or chat.

Validation for mandatory email in correct format

Now, if user does not enter an email address in a valid format (, Cirrus will remind you to do so after clicking on Save.

Change password button improvement

In addition, when a new user is created, the Change Password button will now be called Provisional Password and will appear locked, thus indicating to the user that an existing password is not being changed, but a new one will be temporarily generated once it is created. click save (this password will arrive in the user's email).

For existing users, this button will continue to be displayed as unlocked and with the name Change password:

Notes :

  • Change Password option for existing user accounts will open the Change Password pop-up window, where users must enter Current password and New Password for users :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: August 28, 2023.

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