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Donations Management Restrictions for Fully Consumed and Expired Donations
Donations Management Restrictions for Fully Consumed and Expired Donations

01/29/24 New validations for preventing users from using / selecting expired and empty donation documents.

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de un año

As a part of the current improvements to the Donations Management process, we have now added two restrictions that will prevent users from trying to address their invoices to donors if the assigned donation policy has been consumed already and/or expired and also when the payments are already created for this policy (in the past users were allowed to duplicate the payments made). See these new validations below.

  • In Financial Assignments to Patients, Cirrus will now display in the Financial Donors selection of policies only those policies that have available amounts and that are not expired yet.

If you try to add either an expired policy or a policy with zero in balance (0), Cirrus will no longer display them and if this donor doesn't have any other policies, it will display the following message telling you that no donation info was found:

Alert shown :

And if you try to perform payments for this donor after processing the sales receipt, you will see the following alert, letting you know that this document has already been paid (Cirrus automatically creates deducts the payment from the donation balance once you process the sales receipt) :

Alert example :

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.Date: January 29th, 2024

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