ER Workflow

06/30/2021 Know all the workflow for patients admitted by ER area

Lorena avatar
Escrito por Lorena
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Thise flow is focuses on seeing how the charges are generated for each service station where the patient is treated for an emergency.

The system creates an extension for each care area where the patient passes and display the services(charges) applied.

The sumary steps are:

  1. Patient admission

  2. Physician process

  3. Pharmacy deliver meds

  4. Nursing process

  5. Review autorizations

  6. Apply services of lab and x ray

  7. Patient Discharge

  8. Outpatient Pharmacy

  9. Billing

  10. Abstracting (coding)

  11. Invoice Consolidate

Watch all videos to know this worflow

  1. Patient admission - easy and fast

    1. Registration of demographic and insurance data from Quick Patient Registration Function.

    2. Patient account creation with checkbox marked.

2. Physician process

In this step a customized clinical format is used by physician and nurse to record the indications and clinical follow-up of the patient. It is call Emergency assesment form and you can see some functions like the following.

a. Vital sings to frequent registration.

b. Diagnosis the most important data to send to the insurance.

c. Administered meds to record the administered during attendance. This function generate a charge.

d. Medical indications to record patient follow-up.

3. Pharmacy deliver meds

Dispense medications indicated for recovery to the patient.

4. Nursing process

a. Administer medications ordered by the doctor and sent by pharmacy. This action generates a charge.

5. Review autorizations

Manages the approval or rejection of the insurer on products or services and take the acction according to the response.

6. Apply services of radiology and laboratory

All completed services generate a charge in patient account.

For radiology one of them was rejected in the past process so this will display in the extension 0.

For blood lab it was approved.

7. Patient Discharge

It is important to mark Filled in pharmacy on prescription to be dispensed by outpatient pharmacy.

8. Outpatient Pharmacy

Dispense the medications indicated in the patient's discharge prescription. This generate a charge.

9. Billing

All charges that were approved by the insurer or that are covered by the policy, will be shown in an extension according to the service area.

Important notes:

  1. If no diagnosis is added for the patient, the insurer assumes by default that everything is covered.

  2. Coinsurance rates, deductibles, etc., are calculated in this process. They are reduced to the insurer and added to extension 0.

Collection process for the insurer.

All charges that are not covered by the insurer or that are rejected are shown in extension 0 to be billed including coinsurance amounts.

Patient collection process

10. Abstracting (coding)

Enter coding diseases and procedures on the patinet's encounter.

11. Invoice Consolidate

To generate consolidated claims composed of batches of individual claims.

Collection process for the patient.

We hope this workflow improves your experience with Cirrus. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: Jun 30, 2021

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