Reorder medication prescriptions

07/26/2021 Now it will be easier to order prescriptions that you have previously made for your patient.

Deysi Alvarez avatar
Escrito por Deysi Alvarez
Actualizado hace más de una semana

With a click, you can reorder a prescription previously made to your patient.

On the physician dashboard and having selected your patient, in the orders option does the following:

  1. On de Contextual Menu, select Order Sets > Medication Reconciliation

  2. Go to the Previous Medications and select the medications that you want to reorder

  3. Save the changes

You can see that new order is created identical to the previous one. They are the same drugs and these have the same values ​​in the fields of quantity, route of administration, frequency, etc.


  • Medications that are previously prescribed are those that have already been administered to the patient.

  • A previous prescription for one patient may not be ordered for another. You will only be able to reorder prescriptions that you have previously made to your same patient.

We hope that with these changes we can improve your experience at Cirrus. Please remember to share this information and request assistance if necessary.

Date: July 26, 2021

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