Medical Schedule Solutions
Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

1. Cancel appointment 2. Re-schedule appointment 3. Unblock appointment

1. Cancel appointment

Click on the scheduled appointment and select the option "Cancel".

Fill out the cancelation form and save it.

The end.

After finishing the aforementioned steps.

You'll see the appointment is no longer displayed on the calendar.


2. Re-schedule appointment

You can manually edit it by selecting the option "Edit", or just drag and drop the appoitment to the desired date and time and the information will be automatically updated.

Modify the information of date and time and "Save".

The end.

After finishing the aforementioned steps.

The appointment will be displayed on the selected date and time.


3. Unblock appointment

When the status of the appointment is "In progress" (yellow color) and the option "Start process" is not active, you must unblock it if yo want to continue with the outpatient consultation, select from the menu the option "Release appointment".

After finishing the aforementioned steps.

You'll be able to continue with the outpatient consultation.


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