Solutions in charge master

1. Add specifications 2. Unique code and description

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana


Add specifications

When you want to use the special options in products or services, you'll need to check the specific checkbox in the master catalogue :

- Storable, check this option to manage and control of the inventories. Example: for materials it is mandatory, for medications is selected by default, it is not usable for services and procedures.

- Price, when you need to modify the price manually at the moment of applying the product to an encounter or when selling it.

- Consigned, when you have the product on consingment with a vendor.

- Formulary, when you ant to have a favorite or it is one of the most used products.

- Lot, when you want to add the lot code and the expiration date at the momento of the material receipt.

- Obsolete, when you are going to stop buying the product but you still have it in stock and need to continue selling it. Once the product is out of stock you should check it as Unused.

- Unused, when you want to stop buying/selling the product. At the moment of checking the option, also the Obsolete checkbox is automatically checked, but you still have it in stock you'll get an informative message on the screen.

To activate these options, you can find them in the lower section of the tab "General information", check the specific option and finish by clicking on the "Save" button,

2. Unique code and description

Another important specification related to the printing of sold items.

When a business partner (insurance company) asks you to include their codes and description for the services applied to their clients in the printed invoice, they will supply the information to you and you can configure it in the master catalogue.

Information! Important requirements

To have the business partner (insurance company) already added to the system and the option "Special invoicing" active in the Business Partner window.

The business partner must have a price liste associated. See the configuration in Business Partner window.

To have the item or service registered in Charge Master II. See the Products and services catalogue/Before starting/ Start adding a product.

Follow the next steps:

Open the window "Charge Master II".

Search and select the item or service.

Open the tab "Selling price".

Click the button "New record".

Search and select the price list of the business partner (insurance company).

Fill in the required information.

Save the selling price.

You'll see the fields Code and Description active, add the information supplied by the business partner.

Save the information.

Configure the code and description for special invoicing. Instead of the product name you will see the code and description given by the business partner on invoices.

After configuring the code and description

You'll see the printed in the invoice the code and description of the product when invoicing for the business partner.

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