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New management for intravenous prescription

18/01/2021 New functionality of solutions and infusions for intravenous indications

eCSUniversity avatar
Escrito por eCSUniversity
Actualizado hace más de 4 años

We made some improvements to manage intravenous and continuous administration prescriptions. Improving the flow from the creation of the indication, the pharmacy assortment and administration of the medication.

Take a look.

From the Orders function when you prescribe a drug (let's call it parent drug) whose route of administration is Intravenous, the system enables the new button that will allow grouping the additional (child drug) necessary for administration, such as a physiological solution.

From the Pharmacy Dashboard function, the pharmacist prepares the medications and delivers them to the infirmary for their administration.

Finally, from Medication Administration or from the Nursing Calendar options, although only the parent drug is observed when the child medications are marked as administered.

Video of how to use it from Medication Administration (eMAR).

Video of how it look from Dasboard.

All the information on the prescription and administration of the medications are recorded in the patient's Medical Record.

Additionally, we include the Intall Catheter button in the Medication Adminsitration (eMAR) function and in the Dashboard to complete the information of the IV indication. This button is only visible for the Nursing profile.

We hope that with these changes we can improve your experience at Cirrus. Please remember to share this information and request assistance if necessary.

Date: January 18, 2021

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