**This function is only for the Arabia country
The prescription contains information such as basic vital signs, diagnosis, medicines, medication instructions, among others.
You can print a prescription from Discharge Medication, Medical schedule and Outpatient pharmacy.In the following video, you can see an example of how to make the prescription in each of the options.
Some things that you should know:
1. In Medical schedule
Shown medications
Shown additional instructions (free text)
Shown services requested
When is configured in Configuration of Medical Record, field.
2. Outpatient Pharmacy
After the Outpatient pharmacy dispenses the drugs:
The name changed to the name of the drug being delivered instead of the generic name.
The price of the drug is visible.
3. General:
Controlled medications are printed one per page.
You can configure the maximum number of uncontrolled medications printed per page in Configuration of Medical Record, Section 1.4.
We hope that with these changes we can improve your experience at Cirrus. Please remember to share this information and request assistance if necessary.
Date: August 02, 2021