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View HL7 Orders Results

08/25/2021 Consult the results of laboratory, image and cardiology HL7 studies sent by the external provider

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Escrito por eCSUniversity
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

On the Service Orders option, in the Laboratory results function, we include the Sensitivity results section so that you can consult the results of microbiology studies. This is only possible to consult them when the provider sends you the results.

This can apply for services that have the special HL7 configuration and could be any of the following types of services by external providers : laboratory results, image results and cardiology results.

An example of how you would see them and how it looks when you print the report.

The results can also be viewed from the patient's medical record:

  • Go to Active tab, select Pending subtab and in context menu column (Information) , select Attachment :

Here you will see the attached results :

We are passionate about improving your Cirrus experience. We appreciate you sharing this information with your team and ask us for help if they need it.

Date: August 25, 2021

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