In Warehouse Locators window you can set the type of warehouse, according to the hospital processes and roles.
By hospital areas:
Types of warehouse that can be related to a specific hospital area and processes, such as Laboratory that will be linked with Laboratory processes only.
Blood Bank
Others (for any other area)
By functionality:
Transit Warehouse.For internal transit processes only, not for users.
Sterilization. Will allow you to supply trays to the operating rooms that request them.
Warehouse Supply. Will allow you to supply products to all those areas requesting for them.
Supply + Sterilization. Combination of both Sterilization + Warehouse Supply. If a warehouse is marked as Supply + Sterilization, it will allow you to supply trays to operating rooms and to supply to any area requesting from them. Example: if a warehouse is marked only as Warehouse supply it will not allow you to select it when requesting a tray from the operating room