Product Configuration: Common Actions

1. Product Configuration 2. Prices Configuration 3. Warehouse Configuration 4. Product Categories

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

  1. Product Configuration

    To add a new product, go to Charge Master II and follow these steps:

    i. Click New Record to add a new product:

    ii. Fill information for General Data:

    Set Type of Product ( Expense Type, Item, Package, Resource or Service)

    Now set Product Category, Name, Minimum UOM, Search Key, Tax Category, and check all valid boxes for this product:


  2. Prices Configuration

    On this same window you can set selling price by clicking on the Selling Price tab:

    Choose a price list and fill all of the missing information from the pre-loaded information for this price list.


    Now go to Purchase Price tab to edit this information.

    Select Price List and fill all of the missing information as well.


  3. Add Warehouse

    Now add all of the warehouses that will store this product (if it is storable) by clicking on the Storage/Replenish Tab.

    Add new warehouses and select amounts and other information for this warehouse.

  4. Product Categories

    You can link several products onto one single Product Category.

Product Category is a group of similar products that share common features, procedures and tax categories. If you assign a product to a specific product category it will receive all of the information for that group of products.

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