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Review and confirm or delete PRN medications in Pharmacy Dashboard
Review and confirm or delete PRN medications in Pharmacy Dashboard

04/18/2022 Function to save PRN replaced medications in case they may be required

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

When replacing medications in Pharmacy Dashboard, they will be released back into warehouse but this process will not apply for PRN marked medications, where they may be reserved in case they are required by inpatients. To improve deleting, replacing and preparing PRN medications we added a new solution that will display every medication prepared and set by physicians as PRN while making this order:

PRN (Pro re nata) medications are all those that are reserved just in case they may be required so their administration will be applied only if necessary. Example: Paracetamol only if inpatient has fever or pain.

Here's the Pharmacy Dashboard process for deleting, saving and replacing this type of medications:

  1. Select a Medication order and Prepare Doses. Then select the medication brand for this type of medication, set amount and Save:

It will be saved on PRN administrations section.

If you want to add a different brand, perform the same action but replacing the brand name:

Both brands will now appear listed below:

If you require to prepare two different brands, the previous brand will not be replaced unless you have clicked the delete button next to it:

If you delete one of those, then you will only have to prepare the substitute brand, which will be delivered to nurses for their administration:

If not, both will be prepared. This preventing you from automatically replace one brand by another:

Finally, this is how Nursing staff will see the PRN medications on eMAR:

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it. Date: April 18, 2022.

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