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Todas las coleccionesInventories Lots Return
Lots returning : Common Actions
Lots returning : Common Actions

1. Return lots 2. Generate document

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de 2 años

Common actions

  1. Return lots

    After filling header information, select Expired Batches option in context menu:

    Fill search panel with: date range, warehouse, product or product category. Now select your results and Save.

    With your batches already added, select context menu and click Document Action to complete returning:

    Select Complete and Confirm:

    Note: If there is no results within your criteria means that no lots is about to expire during those dates:

  2. Generate document

    After completing its returning you will see a message with the Credit Note number. You can check this credit note via this number in accounting processes:

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