New questionnaires functionalities

06/06/22 Questionnaires reporting functionalities for processes improving

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Form editor ( in Form Search window) will now include new functionalities that will allow you report through messages / comments and to apply rules to each question within categories and not only onto categories. This will improve the filling of forms by enhancing the reporting of incidents and allowing users to implement additional information to each form.

The new features are:

  • Rules application to questions

  • Messages section for reporting or adding more information

  • While using a form, collapse and expand categories with a new button

  • More characters on list type questions; 350.

This is how you will be able to check our new enhancements:

  • Add rules:

    First, in Form Editor, select a question from one of your categories (sections). Now click on Add Rule and confirm.

    Now, click New Record to create a new set of rules, select questions and / or operator and Save.

This will allow you to link questions with set rules.

  • Add messages:

    • To add reports or messages to a question, select it and click Add Message. Now confirm.

    Click New Record, enter message text and confirm.

  • Up to 350 characters on radio list questions :

You can also edit lists of multiple questions by adding up to 350 characters per answer box:

  • Collapse / Expand Categories:

    Collapsing and expanding categories is quite simple in forms. To expand or collapse them, just click the plus ( + ) icon on top of the categories:

    Questions from categories will automatically be shown or hidden:

    This process will help you navigate more easily through questionnaires without having to navigate through all of the questions.

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: June 6, 2022

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