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Cancel Medications from different lots in Outpatient Pharmacy
Cancel Medications from different lots in Outpatient Pharmacy

11/07/22 See lot information while cancelling multiple medication charges

Escrito por Rubén Mosqueda Herrera
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Now you will be able to cancel medication charges for drugs that were delivered from different lots during their preparation and also seeing the correct information of their returning, allowing you to keep track of your stock.

Here we will show you the cancellation process for drugs:

  1. Deliver medications from more than one lot - if applies - in Outpatient Pharmacy:

Confirm the creation of charges.

2. You can go to charges option in context menu, this will take you to Encounter charges window. Please select all of those charges you would like to delete from the encounter and click on Delete charges button (minus icon) :

3. Now confirm:

You will see a confirmation message that will show the information for all of the successfully deleted charges. Now you will be able to verify to what lot or lots these medications will return:

We hope this improves your Cirrus experience. Remember to share this information and ask for help if you need it.

Date: July 11, 2022.

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